Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Enough With the Negativity

That last post was a bit depressing right? I just had to get that out there on the playing field. I promise that's the last negative thing you will see on this blog. This leads me to a fundamental issue I'd like to address: ATTITUDE. Attitude is by far the most important thing to to have control over as a player. It is more important than inner game (game that is derived from the mind), physique (physical masculinity), and far more decisive than and gimmicks or techniques that the Mystery Method and other PUAs worship. Attitude is actually the first thing to develop when taking the path to dating success. The funny thing is that attitude, being the most important thing, is the easiest thing to develop. If you have the right attitude, inner game develops, the techniques you practice flow out in the most seductive manner and things seem just right. When you have the right attitude, you have the vibe, or good attitude. That's all you need really, no amount of seduction bullshit can replace that.

"Nothing on earth can stop a man with the right attitude from achieving his dreams"

This vibe should be applied to everything you do. I see a lot of guys, especially in the Community refer to women as bitches, whores, and other negative things. Don't make that mistake. This just creates negative thought connections when you think of women in general. Also, don't think of guys who are successful with women are jerks, assholes and the like (most of them are not!). Don't you want to be successful with women? Why the fuck would you call yourself a jerk, asshole? Another way to apply positive vibe is by when interacting with women directly. Have a fucking positive attitude. FORCE yourself to think you are the man in the face of a woman. Force it, don't fake it.

Incorporate positive vibe to everything in your life. Get good grades, join a social group or whatever and rock that shit. The vibe will overflow into every other aspect of life.

Field report:
A few months ago I was in the "Hub" as its known at UF. It's kind of a social gathering place so to speak. I was with my friend, Wilson and he was enjoying his chick-fil-a sandwich. I was just chillin', and out of no where I caught the eye of a cute* brunette a few feet away on a couch. She saw me looking at her, I didn't flinch. All that came to mind was, "I'm gonna fuck you so hard tonight" and I literally said it over and over in my mind 10 times as we telegraphic sex with our eyes (at least that's what I thought of it). Wilson left to go to the bathroom for a few minutes (great timing), and she waltzed over confident as can be, and started some small talk. The funny thing is, I was flirting with her and I didn't even realize it. And she was too. It was so natural it freaked me out. That was definitely NOT the end of that. This just reflects how the right attitude can change everything. Obviously, I wouldn't have gotten the same response if I had thought timidly, "omg shes looking at me... look away..." (However I am pretty hunky, she might have still come over :D )

"Get 'er Dun" strategies
This section is for listing some strategies for achieving the mindset discussed in the post. They are "get 'er dun" strategies because they are meant to be employed right now. Keyword right now. Fucking do this shit and GET 'ER DUN Damnit. Ok.

One of the best things to do is create a 'dream board'. Get one of those cork boards and cut out pictures of stuff you want, cars, electronics, women w/e. Continually add to the board and put it somewhere easily visible. Make a title that says "DREAM BOARD" so people know what you are up to, and if they criticize you for having big dreams tell them to fuck off because they are being negative. Remember, only have good vibes in your life. Remove the negative things, even people if you have to.

Ok it's getting late.
I'm off...
like my ex-girlfriends dress.

*I don't rate girls on a scale of 1-10, I just follow my gut feeling: cute, hot, sexy w/e. I believe that rating them by numbers puts an emotional gut feeling on a rational scale of 1-10, and I don't believe it translates well. One man's 8 is another man's 6, but cute is always cute and sexy is always sexy.

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